Light Work and Energy Balance LLC.

Christina Hopkins

Active 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Business Profile

Applicant Name

Christina Hopkins


Phone Number

(417) 307-9999

Services Provided

Neuromuscular Massage is a premium service offered by our alternative health products business. Designed to provide targeted relief for deep-seated muscular tension, this treatment combines advanced massage techniques with a comprehensive understanding of the neuromuscular system. Our highly skilled massage therapist applies expert touch to the client’s back, utilizing precise pressure and manipulation to alleviate pain and restore balance.

Relaxing Massage is a blissful experience offered by our expert massage therapist. This rejuvenating service invites you to unwind and melt away your stress as our skilled massage therapist gently massages your back. Feel the tension in your muscles dissipate as you indulge in this soothing massage, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Introducing Prenatal Massage, a specialized service designed to provide expectant mothers with the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation experience. Our skilled therapists are trained to cater to the unique needs of pregnant women, ensuring their utmost comfort and safety throughout the session. Imagine indulging in a soothing massage while embracing the beautiful journey of motherhood. Whether you seek relief from common pregnancy discomforts or simply desire tranquility, our Prenatal Massage offers a holistic approach to promoting overall well-being during this special time. Experience the nurturing touch and serenity you deserve with our trusted alternative health products and services.

Products Provided

Frontier Co-Op herbs and seasoning for sale at

About Me

Making time for a massage is really important. It helps with mental clarity, as well as physical relief of the muscles, and more. The benefits of this kind of treatment can go a long way! Even after surgery, massages can help rejuvenate the fascia of the body. Another form of Eastern medicine I work with is teas, herbs and things like that, or it may be working on your chakra system to help remove things that no longer serve your journey. Every BODY has different needs. I am grateful I am able to offer all these wonderful and healing services!